Sketchbook Appreciation 101

May 2023

It took me a long time to understand how to use sketchbooks in my practice of making art. I didn’t truly grasp it until after college. I learned through process and, only now, reflecting the 5 W’s.

  • Who are these sketchbooks for?

  • What do I fill these blank pages with?

  • Where will these sketchbooks take me?

  • When do I fill the pages?

  • How do I fill the pages?

Once I realized the sketchbooks were a space of freedom, a safe place with no judgment, and an oasis for exploration, I flourished. I can answer those questions easily and confidently.

  • These pages and books are for my artistic and creative development.

  • I fill the pages with whatever I want or need to explore, experiment, and to push paint around (move energy and get inspiration going.)

  • These ideas and expressions will take me to more ideas, bigger ideas, and expand my creativity.

  • I can fill the pages at my pace of curiosity and inspiration. I can pick them up or set them down, as needed.

  • They can be filled with any material (printmaking, watercolor, collage, etc), words, shapes, or images. The paper is not precious until I fill it and even then I am not attached. It is all a part of the process.


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