Would you like your receipt?

February 2024

One of my favorite doodles was on the back of a receipt. During a flight home all I had was a Sephora receipt to draw on. I’ve never shopped there before, but the length of the receipt was almost 15 inches. Perfect, lots of room to doodle! The arial inspiration was exciting and felt compelled to draw. Needless to say, the narrow paper was filled up during the duration of the flight from Las Vegas to Albuquerque.

The views below were stunning and silent (other than the plane noise). I saw the Hoover Dam, formations of the red earth, and many clouds traversing the landscape.

The doodle captured so many angles, layers, and overlapping lines. It is always close by for ideas in my studio. Last month, I received a “late” Christmas present— a scarf that looks like a CVS receipt. It cracked me up so much and prompted me to write about this favorite doodle!


Captivating Overlooks


Views for a Composition