
April 2023

I am a rockhound. This means I search and collect rocks. It’s fun to identify, tumble, organize, and display the collection. Yes, I’ll stop just about anywhere (even along the side of the road) or make plans to hunt for nature’s treasures. One never knows what they might find!

These two pieces below, Fractures (top) and Knife Edge (bottom), incorporate landscape with a rock form. Do you see them? One may not notice it at first, like when seeing one edge of a rock sticking out from the dirt. It catches your eye and you inquire closer to see “what do we have here”. Perhaps you see ones I don’t! The lines in these paintings remind me of cracks, erosion, and rock fissures. At the same time, the lines are the overlapping the landscape or edges of shadows. A previous post, I listed what lines mean in my paintings.


Never Lost City


Cute as a Button